Mandate, Mission, and Vision

The Mandate

The Mandate - July 2001    |    "I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants (children/seed) may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19

The Mission

The Mission    |    To create ample opportunities, for those who choose life, to learn how to live according to God’s original concepts and precepts; The Kingdom!

The Vision

The Vision    |    To establish, implement, and maintain a curriculum of study and training to enable those who choose life to learn God’s kingdom concepts and precepts. The Kingdom Cultural Training Center – It’s For Those Who Choose!

What is the Kingdom?

What is the Kingdom?  The Kingdom is NOT A RELIGION!

  • A kingdom is the sovereign rule and the governing influence of a king, over his territory (or domain of land).  He is the lord or owner of the land.
  • The territory, which belongs to the king, is also ruled by the king.  The king impacts (controls or influences) the territory with his will, his purposes, and his intent.
  • The impact of the king produces a citizenry of people, who reflect the kings image, culture, nature, knowledge, lifestyle, morality, and values.

A kingdom, therefore, is a country ruled by a king. - Dr. Myles Munroe, Author