Contrasting Kingdom

Democracy. Monarchy. Communism. Dictatorship. Republic. All these various types of government exist all around the world. Although these forms of government exist, none of them have been successful. “How can this be true?” It’s true because you can see and feel the unrest in the people all throughout the land. During this four-week series on “Contrasting Kingdoms,” we will begin to investigate the failure of human government, the need for God’s government, The Kingdom, and the counterfeit government that is ruled by Satan. By the end of this module you will be able to:

  1. Reconnect to the mind of God;
  2. Describe what God did when He first created mankind;
  3. Recall why God put mankind on this planet called Earth;
  4. Restate what His purpose was for creating this planet;
  5. Explain why He gave us life on this planet;
  6. Describe what happened during “the fall of man;”
  7. Identify why Jesus came to the Earth; and
  8. Know the importance of transforming your mind.