The Kingdom Assignment of Jesus

In this four-week series, we will begin looking specifically at the assignment of Jesus, which is the Kingdom mandate. Consider this, everyone in the world was born to fulfill an assignment. In other words, every human was created by God to solve a problem. There is something that God wanted done that required your existence; thus, meaning that your birth is not a mistake.  You are critical to the plan of God for the earth.  Therefore, in this series, we will begin looking at the assignment of the Creator of all things, and that is Jesus Christ.  We will look at what God had in mind when He sent Jesus into the earth.  By the end of this module, you will be able to answer the following questions:

  1. What was the mission statement of Jesus, and what was His first public message?
  2. Why did Jesus preach about the Kingdom of God?
  3. What does the word “repentance” mean?
  4. What does the “fall mean;” where did mankind fall from; and what does it mean to be restored?
  5. What is the difference between religion and relationship?
  6. Why does the Bible call you citizens and ambassadors of Heaven, and not Christians?
  7. What is the role of an Ambassador in the Kingdom?